Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guild Charter Section 1; Subsection 420

These words contain common law for our House, this charter will built upon over time,
Officer's may cast votes and add laws to be passed . Initiates may make comments openly.
All officers are required to follow all laws, and to teach and enforce the laws to Initiates.
Initiates will not be reprimanded in any way but the proper instruction as pertaining to the circumstance.
Due to Proficient Judging of character by our officers we should not have this problem,
But repeated and purposeful breaking of the laws may lead upon a council decision, the dishonor of banishment from our house and presence.

<->Guild Etiquette
~These pertain to keeping the guild together as allies and teammates. To many guilds have grown apart because of lack of communication. We are brothers and sisters in these dark times~

<->Turbine Law
Official Turbine DM Laws are our laws as well, anyone finding hacking the game, or breaking turbine DM laws will regrettably be removed from our guild.

All players must treat one another with a basic level of respect, (( if you are role playing a silent grumpy type, let the other player know through a tell of your IC intentions)) Officers are just that, higher ranking members or our order, and should be treated as such,))

Grudges or arguments should be brought to the attention of an Officer, or at final word, The Guild master's.

<->Force playing
Force playing will not be tolerated in any way.

Aka; Nokli says "Minu hits himself and falls over"
Emoting another characters emotions will not be tolerated, no one enjoys force playing.

<->RP guild
This is a role playing guild, If you do not know this whomever let you into our guild should be fed to a pack of miniature and deranged beholders, As in such we expect everyone to stay in character, OOC or Out Of Character should be formatted as (( )) such as (( i have to go now everyone thanks for the party)) I encourage the use of imagination and wit when it comes to turning OOC into IC, such as with the previous example
" /p I am worn from or troubled path friends, i must retire for this evening. I will see you all soon, i thank you for your company, good night"(( bye everyone))

<->Logging on and off
It is Customary to greet your fellow guild mates as you log on,
just as it is for them to greet you upon your arrival (( logging on))
And of course when You take your leave, take a moment to wish everyone a good night IC, and make sure you take the time to answer those who are taking there leave as well.

<->Permadeath and Dying
Permadeath is not followed in this guild, if you do choose to erase a character, a noble and rped dying in the quest would do your character justice and depth to his disappearance, In this guild Death or bleeding out in game shifts us into the Ethereal realm, only those bound to a fragment of an ancient stone (Soul stones) is this possible, shrines are focal points for shifting back into the material realm.

Renown awards of 150 and 500 are recommended to give a guild channel shout out,
as if you were awarded the 500 renown option
/g *slams his mythril fists together* Our deeds will be sung by bards!
or /g *laughs whole heatedly* A bard is singing of our last adventure! Many people will talk about this.

<->Loot and Treasure
Loot sharing is not required but your guild mates will be sure to return the favor, if you find a piece of equipment you can not or do not need, ask the others in the guild.
By using cntrl+right click on the item, display it on our guild channel, make sure you already have your inventory open, then that you are in general chat and use /g or /p then hold control right click on item, release control and hit enter 2x, Tada
If no one can use it for their equipment, not their personal platinum gain, please give it to them, if more than one asks for it, find an inventive way for the others to fairly have a chance, such as picking a number, head or tails, or even an outright and honorable duel between both who accept those terms.

<-> Fall of Celthorin Law
~ Consistently Role playing a Character who has to run ahead of the group and leave his comrades behind causing his guild members or other guilds members constant pain and suffering will be confronted. If no change is detected in there ability to work as a team, and refusal is there answer, like Celthorin, whom was our trusted friend and officer until recent outbursts to many guild members, will be sorrowfully and dishonorable discharged from our ranks.

1 comment:

  1. Subsection 420, does that mean it was documented on April 20th... or something more thought provoking?
